Prof. Chan Siew Hwa,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,
Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N)
Professor Chan is the Fellow of Academy of
Engineering, Singapore and President’s Chair in Energy. He
obtained his PhD from Imperial College London and is a Professor
in the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. He leads
the hydrogen and fuel cell research in Nanyang Technological
University. Dr Chan is one of the founding members and a
Co-Director of the Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N). He
is also the Vice Director of Sino-Singapore International Joint
Research Institute in Guangzhou Knowledge City, China. Prof Chan
is a Director of Maz Energy Pte Ltd and Xin Xiang (Guangzhou)
Hydrogen Technologies Co., Ltd. He is a consultant to Total SA
and had served as a member of Advisory Board to NTU President
and Provost, Management Board of Energy Studies Institute,
Advisory Board of Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies, Sino-Singapore
Guangzhou Knowledge City Think Tank, etc.
Funded by UK’s Royal Armament Research and Development
Establishment, Dr Chan’s PhD research was inclined to Heavy-Duty
Internal Combustion Engines, but he extended his interest to
hydrogen and fuel cells since 1997. He was the
Organizer/Conference Chair of 1st World Hydrogen Technologies
Convention, Singapore in 2005 and Conference Chair of HYPOTHESIS
XIII in 2018. From 2006 to 2008, he held a joint appointment
with A*Star as Director of SERC Fuel Cell Program leading a team
of more than 100 people from 4 A*Star Institute working with
Rolls Royce Fuel Cell System. Prof Chan was also a Principal
Investigator in Singapore-Peking University Research Centre for
A Sustainable Low Carbon Future funded by National Research
Foundation in 2011-2016. His research has gained him a number of
recognitions, which include George-Stephenson Medal from UK
IMechE in 2000, Scientific Achievement Award from International
Association of Hydrogen Energy, USA in 2007, “World’s Most
Influential Scientific Minds” award from Thomson Reuters in
2014, Nanyang Award (Research Excellence) in recognition of
outstanding contribution in scientific knowledge on a global
scale through novel research breakthrough in 2014, Nanyang Award
(Innovation and Entrepreneurship) in 2017, “Star of Innovation
Talent” in 2018 from Guangzhou Government. He is the editorial
board member of Fuel Cells, Journal of Power Technologies,
Energy Conversion and Management and International Journal of
Energy Research. He has published 267 refereed journal papers
with more than 13,000 citation counts and h-index of 58. Prof
Chan has been teaching Thermodynamics course since 1991 and
awarded “Teacher-of-the-Year” in 2000.
Prof. Gianfranco Chicco (IEEE Fellow)
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Editor-in-Chief, Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks
Gianfranco Chicco holds a Ph.D. in Electrotechnics Engineering and is a Full Professor of Electrical Energy Systems at Politecnico di Torino (POLITO), Italy. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. He received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Universities Politehnica of Bucharest and Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iasi (Romania) in 2017 and 2018, respectively.
He is the Scientific Responsible of the research group on Power and Energy Systems at POLITO, and the Responsible of the Torino unit of the Italian Consortium ENSIEL. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks, a Subject Editor of Energy, and an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IET Renewable Power Generation, and Energies (MDPI).
He was the Conference Chair of WESC 2006, IEEE ISGT Europe 2017, and UPEC 2020. Within POLITO, he participated in the European projects FP7 DIGENAS, FP7 SiNGULAR, H2020 FLEXMETER, H2020 PLANET, H2020 STORE&GO, and Erasmus+ EU-MONG. Within ENSIEL, he was the Scientific Coordinator for the European project H2020 MIGRATE, and participated in the European projects FP7 eHighway2050 and H2020 OSMOSE.
His research activities include Power System Analysis, Distribution System Analysis and Optimization, Electrical Load Management, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Impact of Multi-Energy Systems, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence Applications to Power and Energy Systems, Renewable Energy Sources and Distributed Generation, and Power Quality. His International scientific production includes one book, five book chapters, over 100 journal publications, and over 150 publications in conference proceedings.
Prof. Claudio Cañizares (IEEE Fellow)
University of Waterloo, Canada
Editor-in-chief, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Dr. Claudio Cañizares is a University Professor and the Hydro One Endowed Chair at the Electrical and Computer Engineering (E&CE) Department of the University of Waterloo, where he has held various academic and administrative positions since 1993. He received the Electrical Engineer degree from the Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN) in Quito-Ecuador in 1984, where he held different academic and administrative positions between 1983 and 1993, and his MSc (1988) and PhD (1991) degrees in Electrical Engineering are from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research activities focus on the study of stability, control, optimization, modeling, simulation, and computational issues in bulk power systems, microgrids, and energy systems in the context of competitive energy markets and smart grids. In these areas, he has led or been an integral part of many grants and contracts from government agencies and private companies worth millions of dollars, and has collaborated with multiple industry and university researchers in Canada and abroad, supervising/co-supervising dozens of research fellows and graduate students. He has authored/co-authored a few hundred publications with large citation indices, including journal and conference papers, technical reports, book chapters, disclosures and patents, and has been invited to deliver many keynote speeches, seminars, tutorials, and presentations at numerous institutions and conferences worldwide. He is the Editor-In-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, the 2021-2022 IEEE Division VII Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect to the IEEE Board of Directors, and a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (IEEE), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, where he is currently the Director of the Applied Science and Engineering Division of the Academy of Science, and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. He is also the recipient of the 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award, the 2016 IEEE Canada Electric Power Medal, and of multiple IEEE PES Technical Council and Committee awards and recognitions, holding leadership positions in several IEEE-PES Committees, Working Groups, and Task Forces.
Prof. Igor Kuzle
University of Zagreb,
2021-2022 IEEE Region 8 Director-Elect
I was born in 1967. I completed elementary
and middle school in Požega, Croatia. I obtained my M.Eng.,
M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in 1991, 1997 and 2002, respectively all
from University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Computing in the field of electrical power engineering. For my
success during my final year of bachelor’s degree, I received a
faculty award.
In 1992, after graduating, I started working at the Department
of Energy and Power Systems of the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Computing. Currently, I am a Full Professor and
the Head of the Department of Energy and Power Systems at the
University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Computing. My scientific interests include problems in electric
power system dynamics and control, unit commitment, maintenance
of electrical equipment, as well as power system analysis, smart
grids and integration of renewable energy sources.
I serve in 10 international journals as an associate editor or a
member of editorial board. I published three books and more than
200 journal and conference papers including technical studies
for utilities and private companies. I was the project leader on
more than 60 technical projects for industry and electric power
companies. I received several scientific awards.
I am a member of IEEE Power & Energy Society since 1994 and a
senior member since 2004. I organized several conferences and
participated in many IEEE activities, both on regional and local
level. For my work in IEEE, I received several awards.
Invited Speakers
Assoc. Prof. Michela Longo
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Dr. Michela Longo is an accomplished Associate Professor at the Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano. With a strong foundation in Electrical Systems for Energy, Dr. Longo served as a Research Fellow in this field at Politecnico di Milano from January 2013 to January 2015. She earned her Ph.D. in Mechatronics, Information, Innovative Technologies, and Mathematical Methods from the University of Bergamo in April 2013, following her graduation in Computer Engineering from the same university in 2009, where she achieved a top score of 110/110. Dr. Longo has been actively engaged in pioneering research across a range of innovative topics since her early Ph.D. years. Her expertise and contributions have led her to be a valued member of technical committees for numerous national and international scientific conferences. In addition to her robust research portfolio, Dr. Longo contributed extensively to teaching at both university and post-doctoral levels and collaborated on multiple research projects funded by both private companies and national public agencies. Main research topics are in the field of electric mobility with a particular focus: Optimization Algorithms for Electric Vehicle and Charging Station Deployment; Development of Charging Infrastructure to Promote Electric Vehicle Adoption, Health Impacts of Charging Infrastructure and drive simulator to analysis the impact of SOC with different driver behaviour.